Sunday, 12 February 2017

Recycled Wool latch-hook rug

This is my third latch hook rug...the smallest of the three...and made to use up all my stocks of wool I've collected over the years to hopefully make more space in my work room! I used to do weaving and needlepoint as a teenager, and did a few textiles modules at college, so you collect up a lot of odds and ends. Most of it is 100% wool Axminster and Wilton waste thrums I used to pick up for £1 a huge bag from our local fabric shop, but there's bits of old knitting wool and a little wool tweed cloth as well so the surface is quite interesting. 

Of course once I was underway I needed a few extra bits to heighten the colour here and got a bag of scrap ball-ends for 99p from age concern, not wool these, but they're only a fraction of the whole thing and mixed through it, so it won't matter.

here are some details...I just made the design up as I went along using bit circles of colour depending on how much I had left of anything...and dotted them about, unifying the whole thing with greens.

views of the front and the back...there are about ten thousand insertions into the canvas...all cut, blended, hooked in, tightened and trimmed by hand it took me about 2 to 3 weeks to complete it. It's quite therapeutic...although my hands did ache a bit towards the end!

...the finished thing...
Is like a wooly garden beneath your toes in front of the fire! :o)